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Hurry, Hurry, Hurry, Let's Get There Fast

I see everyone is in a hurry to get to places, to do things, run back and fort to shops, place of their work, schools, and more. They go to work getting up tired, rush to get their kids to school, go to work, shopping, do the chores, coming home exhausted. Then, they complain. I am doing my best, I am doing everything I can. Why am I not getting there?

We are in a hurry to have more, in a hurry to have sex as soon as we get to puberty, in a hurry to get a job, in a hurry to make money fast, in a hurry to get everything now, right now.

Stop, Stop, Stop. Relax, take a breath. Where are you going so fast?

Stop banging your head to the window, look at the other side, see the door is open, walk slowly toward it, go outside, look at the sky, take a deep breath. And ask yourself;

- What is really important to me. List all that is important to you.

- Is it money, family, marriage, children, love, charity, people, career, credit, or what?

Whatever you like to achieve in life, if it does not bring the peace and tranquility you are looking for, you are not doing it right.

This is the way to do it right.

1. You need to establish a peace of mind, by knowing exactly what you like to do in life. Where do you get your true inspiration.

2. Manage your schedule to set priorities, and in whatever you do, to take you time. Challenge yourself daily through your daily schedule to see the moment rather than just doing what is suppose to be done.

(I am suppose to get this work done and pass it on to my boss on time) Take your time to enjoy the assignment, even if it does not come from you heart, maybe you can find something in it to pass it on to other people's heart. And I am positive that your boss likes to see you doing a good job, rather than just doing it. When you get involved personally, you will ask more questions from your colleagues and your boss, you will get them more involved. People like to see you need them. People like to see a passion in you. People want to keep you around forever. No matter what, even if you don't like the job. Give it your best. And the best will come back to you).

(I have to get the kids ready to go to school, eat their breakfast, fight the traffic, and etc.) Get up half an hour early, have their things ready with them a night before, sit down at the breakfast, and eat together, ask them to help you while preparing, take your time to talk to each other about what you like to do today).

Don't rush into anything. Rushing means you don't exactly know where you are going. Even if you get there you won't be able to see it clearly to keep it. You may not enjoy it, or you may lose it.

Don't just look into the future ignoring the present. This is a bad focus which will cause sadness from your present life and even when you get there, you won't be able to capture the full essence of it. Just looking into the future is a bad habit which causes your mind to focus on a wrong direction. I want to have this, I want to have that without recognizing what you have now. See your future as now. Plan it as now. Capture it as now. Now my circumstances are this way. I appreciate what I have right now. I know what I am going to add more into my life. Here is my goal and daily action to enjoy now and whatever I am going to achieve in the future.

The main issue here is for you to be able to stop, take your time, focus on what you really like to achieve. You don't need to get there fast. Just get there right. And do it with full enjoyment.


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