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Jb000760.gif (1096 bytes) How to maintain a healthy diet, The followings are healthy living tips suggested by doctors and dietitians.

Eat a diet that is:
- low in fat (look up the fats in food)
- low in sugar
- high in fiber
- balanced and varied

Base your meals on whole-grain breads and cereals, rice and pasta. 
Add several servings of fruits and vegetables, include lean proteins and low-fat dairy foods at each meal.

Get adequate vitamins through food intake. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables for antioxidant, and vitamins A and C.

Increase your calcium intake for stronger bones and a reduced risk of osteoporosis. Try to drink Vitamin D-fortified milk, which aids in calcium absorption.

Consider taking supplements high in vitamin C, A, E and B. However, consult your doctor what exactly you might need.

Drink plenty of water, drink pure fruit juices, eliminate soda, and lower caffeine intake.

