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A fever is an elevation in body temperature. Fever is not a disease, but a symptom that may indicate the presence of disease. Normal body temperature ranges from 98F to 99F. One should not have undue concern unless body temperature rises above 102F in adults or 103F in children. In fact, running a temperature is often helpful to the body. This defense mechanism of the body acts to destroy harmful microbes.

Lifestyle changes: Get plenty of rest while the temperature is elevated. Take cool sponge bath, do not use rubbing alcohol to cool off; it gives off noxious fumes. NOTE: NEVER GIVE ASPIRIN TO A CHILD WITH FEVER. (In some cases it has caused death)

Dietary changes: Consume large quantities of liquids (distilled water & juices) to prevent dehydration and flush out toxins. Avoid solid food until the fever breaks.

Helpful Nutrients: Vitamin A (dosage; taken as directed on label) is essential in immune system, needed to fight infection and to strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C (5,000-20,000 daily in divided doses), to flush out toxins and reduce fever, for a child use calcium ascorbate form-it does not produce heavy diarrhea). Dioxychlor(dosage;as directed on label), an important antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral agent. Bio-Bifidus (as directed on label), for bowel flora replacement to improve elimination and assimilation. Free-form amino acid complex as directed on label, on an empty stomach. Take with 50mg each of vitamin B6 & C for better absorption), a readily absorbed form of protein that helps repair tissue damaged by fever. Garlic (2 capsules 3 times daily), a natural antibiotic and powerful immunostimulant. Royal jelly (as directed on label 3 times daily), has antifungal properties and improves adrenal function. Spiru-tein (as directed on label, between meals), a protein drink that contains all the amino acids, vitamins, and minerals needed for nourishment.

Helpful Herbs: To bring a fever down, use catnip tea enemas twice daily, which also relieve constipation & congestion. Catnip tea with dandelion and lobelia, taken in tea or extract form, is good for lowering fever. Lobelia (do not take on an ongoing basis), taking 1/2 teaspoon extract or tincture, is good for lowering fever. A combination of hyssop, thyme, and yarrow tea can help a fever. Other beneficial herbs include blackthorn, Echinacea, fenugreek seed, feverfew (do not use during pregnancy), ginger, and poke root.

Herbal Medicine

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