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  Herbal Medicine


A headache is a very common-but also a very chronic condition. The trick is to find the reason for the headache. There are many causes for headaches, such as stress, poor diet, overindulgence in alcohol, excessive noise, travel, and poor posture.

Migraine is an especially severe headache, which may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Migraine head-aches may be triggered by cheese, chocolate or red wine.


Lifestyle changes: Sometimes it is difficult to determine on your own just what is causing your headaches. If you find this to be the case-and your headaches are unusually persistent and do not respond to several days' to a week's home treatment-consult a qualified professional.

Dietary changes that may be helpful: It is important to treat the causes of many headaches-for example, those related to digestive problems or stress. When you sort out for yourself where the headaches are coming from, turn to the alphabetical listing of that underlying condition and try the appropriate herbal remedy for it.

Nutrients that might be helpful: For common headaches, a good general relaxant is wood betony.
For migraines, take,  Dandelion (1 part), Feverfew (2 parts)

Herbs that are helpful: Make a decoction by boiling the dandelion root in I 'h pints of water for 10 minutes. Reduce to 1 pint. Add the feverfew leaves, cover, and steep for an additional 10 minutes. Use 1 ounce of the total combined herbs recommended, and drink up to 3 cups daily.


Herbal Medicine