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  Herbal Medicine


Constipation results when food moves too slowly through the gastrointestinal(GI) tract. There are actually two types of constipation. Each has its own source and calls for its own type of treatment. Antonic constipation, this type of constipation is due to insufficient fiber in the diet, lack of exercises, and not paying attention to urges to move your bowels. Tense constipation is most often found in people with nervous dispositions, and worsens in times of stress.

Lifestyle changes: Exercise may increase the muscular contractions of the intestine, which sometimes helps move the contents through the body.

Dietary changes: Avoid sweets, chocolate. Eat fruits and vegetables high in fiber.

Helpful Nutrients: For relief of atonic constipation, try either psylllium or cascara sagrada, safe and natural laxatives that you can use on a fairly long-term basis. For tense constipation do not use stimulating laxatives, as they will irritate an already tense condition. A lot of water and fiber in the diet might help move your bowels. Chlorophyll the substance responsible for the green color in plants, is useful for many gastrointestinal problems, including constipation.

Helpful Herbs: Two types of herbal capsules to take on a short-term basis for tense constipation are chamomile and slippery elm(lowest recommended amount). Dandelion, fo-ti, senna, and cascara bark and aloe latex are most frequently used stimulant laxatives.


Herbal Medicine