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  Herbal Medicine


Congestive hart failure (CHF) is a cornice condition that results when the heart muscle is unable to pump blood as quickly as is needed. It lease to breathlessness, fatigue, and accumulation of fluid in the lungs or the veins primarily in the legs), or both. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can cause congestive heart failure.

Lifestyle changes: Too much exercise can be life-threatening for those with CHF.You need to consult your physicians, even with severe disease, appropriate exercise can benefit those with CHF.

Dietary changes: Whole fruit and  vegetable juice, all of which are high in potassium, are also recommended by some doctors, however dietary change should be discussed with your health care provider.

Helpful Nutrients: Coenzyme Q10(30 mg) helps people with CHF. Those with CHF have insufficient oxygenation of the heart, which can damage the heart muscle. Such damage may be reduced by taking carnitine(500mg per day) supplements. Carnitine is a natural substance made from the amino acids lysine and methionine. Magnesium deficiency frequently occurs with CHF, leading to heart arrhythmia's. Magnesium(300 mg per day) supplements reduce the risk of these arrhythmia's. Those with CHF are often given drugs that deplete both magnesium and potassium. Taurine(6 gm per day), an amino acid, helps the heart pump. The body needs Arginine(5.6-12.6 gm per day), another amino acid, to make nitric oxide, which increases blood flow.

Helpful Herbs: Hawthorn(80-300 mg twice per day) is effective in the support of early-stage congestive heart failure, it increases blood flow to the heart, increasing the strength of heart contractions, reducing resistance to blood flow in the extremities, and acting as an antioxidant. Ginkgo biloba and garlic herbal extracts in capsules, tablets, or tinctures are two possible  choices to improve circulation.


Herbal Medicine