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  Herbal Medicine


Canker Sores, or mouth ulcers are small ulceration's within the mouth.

Lifestyle changes: --------

Dietary changes: Look into food sensitivities and allergies that might trigger and worsen your mouth ulcers.

Helpful Nutrients: Iron, vitamin B1 (300mg), vitamin B2 (20mg), vitamin B6 (150mg), has shown tremendous relief.

Helpful Herbs: A mixture of Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL) and warm water, applied to the inside of the mouth, may shorten the healing time. Try 4 ml of liquid Echinacea swished in the mouth for two to three minutes, then swallowed. Chamomile has a soothing effect on mucus membranes that can heal the mouth irritations. Myrrh is another remedy for mouth and gum irritation.


Herbal Medicine