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  Herbal Medicine

Alzheimer's Disease

A brain disorder that occurs in the later years of life. Individual's with Alzheimer's disease develop progressive loss of memory and gradually lose the ability to function in the world and to take care of themselves.

The cause of this disorder is not known, however some studies suggest that it may be related to an accumulation of aluminum in the brain.

Avoid foods cooked in aluminum pots, foods that come into direct contacts with aluminum foil, and beverages stored in aluminum cans.

Nutrients that might be helpful: Phosphatidylserine (100mg, 3 times daily) has been shown to improve mental function with individuals with Alzheimer's disease. Acetyl-L-carnitine improves memory and enhances overall performance (500mg 3 time daily). Vitamin E (2,000IU per day).

Herbs that shown to be very helpful: Ginkgo biloba (240mg daily) can improve memory, attention, and mood. Asian ginseng(100-200 daily), eleuthero (Siberian ginseng) (300-400 mg daily). Astrsgalus (500mg capsules 3 times per day) and ashwagandha.

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