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Where is the right guy for me? Successful in career but, a poor luck in relationship. Matty, LA

Dear Matty,

First: look into who is the right guy:
- the right person should show interest in who you are
- the right person like you the way you are
- the right person put you first in making decisions
- the right person respects your interests
- respects your opinions
- he doesn't want to change you

Knowing the right guy:
- there is no doubts
- there is no puzzle
- a deep good feeling
- it may not be what magazines or movies picture on looks but, a good heart
- you don't want to change him

Know yourself, find your interests, follow your interests. 
Tell your friends to introduce you to the good guys.
Get to know as many as you want.
Don't commit yourself right away, then you get disappointed.

Third: on where to locate him:
- friends and family
- library
- sports club
- grocery / market
- men's clothing department (act as if you are looking to get a gift, ask their opinions, or if they need your help)

You mentioned having a poor luck in relationship. It is never a luck, the right person will come along when you are ready. 
Don't call the past experiences poor luck. Take advantage of your learning's to spot your right guy. All the experience in life is a blessing for a better tomorrow.


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