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Question: I love my job. I have given all my attention and I got to the place I want to be. But, I have lost my friends and I am getting sick about the criticizes and the wrong attention. What should I do?


mona-ani.gif (1939 bytes) If you got the position on hardworking and honesty, then get used to the success.

Success breeds envy. You might lose some old so called friends from your past, then gain new ones from you position right now.

Don't get sick about the changes and reality of life. Get comfortable in your skin of what you have achieved. Turn you concentration on what is truly important to you in your spirit.

You will have true friends when you know yourself truly. Then they will follow you, no matter what route you take in life.

The criticism affect us when we don't know ourselves, or we don't believe we got what we deserve. Discover yourself all over again. 


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