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Question: I am exhausted by constantly giving and not receiving any in return.  what can I do?

Answer: You don't need to keep a record on each of your dealings, but you must always know whether you owe more than you are owed, or if the opposite is true.

When you give more than you take, you will find your stores depleted and your energies exhausted. People also come back to you with more demand.

See if this habit of pleasing others is for you to get attention and love from others. If this matter is true, you are knocking at the wrong door.

Switch the attention to yourself. See what you love to do for yourself.

Learn to say "NO". It is okay if they don't like you or don't return a love and the favor back. This means you found who really is worth giving the right attention.

If there are people who always ask you for help, go to them and ask the same when you need something, if they don't respond quickly and kind, cease dealing with them.

Get your happiness back by finding a balance in your life between giving and receiving.


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