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I am tired of dating all the wrong guys. Is there any good ones left out there? Pam, New York.

Dear Pam, Forget about guys, lets talk. The research shows if we attract wrong group of people is not due to their faults, but ours. I don't mean you have any faults. You may simply don't know the right rules to follow, to get the good guy for yourself. Rule number one is to enrich your life first. Rule number two is to love yourself unselfishly to the fullest. Then rule number three is that your good interests and true love will shine through you. And the good guys will spot it. Or I better say: you will find the right match, when you find yourself. You see the right match start with you. You need to set up your mind first about how you want your life to be.

For further reading to get the good guys. Check into,..... Books


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