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On the Job / Timesaving Tips;  

Start your day with a cup of coffee/juice. Look at your mail. Get rid of the junk and sort out mail right away.

Go through your list. Manage the priorities first.

Use your good energy hours with no phone calls, meetings, or interruptions. Concentrate on main issues and a good time to handle pressing matters.

Leave appointments for afternoon, to boost up your energy. Schedule important meeting on different days. Do not overload them in one day. If you have to give at least 45 minutes between appointments.

Make to-do lists and projects in your planner as you go along.

Always check your calendar to stay on schedule.

Phone calls: make sure you talk about the issues that you need to discuss. Do not waist time. Use email to save time.

Using Web. Write down what you like to get, so you don't waist time on going all different places and getting distract from the main issue. Coming cross something interesting, write it down and check into it later. (Looking for particular thing?  Top Stories

Maintaining an office friendship will give you many advantages to use in time of need.

Stretch once a while. Take a walk around the office or wherever you are.

Put everything in its place when finished.

Make a list of tomorrows agenda. So you start your next day fresh and ready.

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